What is it?
It is a way to communicate crime issues to the residents of the village and in order to help with crime prevention. Email alerts from the police are forwarded to subscribers to NeighbourhoodWatch news. It is hoped that it assists neighbours to work together to make the area a safer place. To create a successful Watch, Daglingworth needs to expand the team. Anyone interested in helping to combat potential crime, or to share ideas, please contact Natalie Meredith on the above email.
Who runs it?
The Police do not organise Neighbourhood Watch. It is run by a member, or members, of each Watch in the way they consider most appropriate for their community.
What do we get out of it?
- Share information about what is happening in your area
- Support neighbours acting together to prevent crime
- A reduction in the fear of crime
What does it cost?
Neighbourhood Watch is free to join. Currently Neighbourhood Watch road signs in the Cotswolds are provided and fitted free of charge.
Are there any financial benefits?
Hopefully, the reduction in crime in your area is the greatest benefit, but there is also an opportunity to get reductions on household insurance premiums.
How do I find out more about it?
Contact Natalie Meredith on daglingworthneighbourhoodwatch@gmail.com in the first instance. Communications sent out as ‘ALERTS’ from Gloucestershire Police are emailed to the scheme coordinators for them to distribute to their members by whichever method is appropriate.